3 Biggest Reasons You Fail Your Goals This Year…How to Prevent Failure!!

Working as a coach in Grand Rapids, Michigan, I help people overcome obstacles and accomplish goals. 

So...it goes without saying that I see various levels of consistency when it comes to the challenges that people face when setting and hitting their goals. 

Since the new year is only a few days away, I figured it would be super helpful to identify the key strategies to use as you plan out "How to accomplish your goals this year."

Here we go!

The Number One Mistake 

that people make is that they lack the skills to plan effectively. 

Let me explain...

Most people start with an idea.

This idea could be something they are interested in or perhaps need to improve or improve some aspect of their lives.

They've observed others succeeding at this thing and feel motivated that they too can do said thing. 

Motivations trigger the expectation of soon to have success.


You guess it...

You try to do what you see others do successfully, and you fail at it. 

So, you think...ok, this thing I am trying to do isn't as easy as it looks...let's give it another go!!


You guessed it again... you failed again...

This story example could go on, but you get it. 

If this is you and want to see how to overcome the skill gap so you can become more successful and less of a failure then read the article below:

5 Foundational Steps to Gaining Skills For Your Big Goals

The 2nd biggest mistake 

people make when trying to accomplish big goals...


What we expect can make us or break us, and in terms of succeeding at set goals, they usually break us. 

When you decide to accomplish something, you expect it to happen, and because we see others operating as the type of person you aspire to be, you falsely assume that getting from where you are to where you want to be isn't that far a leap. 

Habits and skill acquisition can be a differentiator to overcome our expectations. If you'd like to learn more about these topics, click the specific link for the given top below.

Learn more about creating good habits

Learn more about gaining new skills 

Then as our efforts produce less favorable results, you find yourself at the 3rd biggest mistake people make when setting goals.

You are beating yourself up when you are not accomplishing what you set out to do. 

Negative self-talk is the straw on the camel's broken back. 

When you Damn yourself, you find reasons to stop and quit. To avoid finding another path, a different strategy...

What was once motivating and exciting becomes toxic and unachievable. 

Terms like imposter syndrome begin to appear in your google search history or newsfeeds as you work to stay committed to your cause. 

Then eventually, your excuses to quit become the justifiable reasoning you need to go back to the person you were...the person you were trying to change for the better. 

The good news is that you don't have to fall victim to this end or even have to come close to succumbing to it. 

Here is a simple 3 step training that can help you FOR FREE

Click the link above and register to get instant free access.


7 Reasons A Life Coach Can Improve Your Mindset


How to Discover the Key Habits That Will Help You Gain the Biggest Results