How to Discover the Key Habits That Will Help You Gain the Biggest Results
Growing up, I always struggled with school and what I believed was the learning process as a whole.
The key for me was discovering two things.
I discovered that I learned differently than others, which meant I had to adapt the techniques I used.
Character defines how we grow, the values we hold dear, and how we develop habits for better or worse.
One of the things I appreciated as I grew into adulthood was that I was praised for "Hard Work" and had financial responsibilities forced on me.
It took many years for me to discover that these traits were a part of a much bigger picture. They were actually character traits ingrained into my mind and became keystone habits that ultimately helped me build success in my life, career, and business.
If you read my most recent blog, where I discussed the 3 Simple Components to Habits and How to Control Them, you are familiar with the habit loop. If you have yet to read that, then click the title to link to it before continuing!
Two Habits That Everyone Needs to Develop
Cool, now that you're up to speed, I'll discuss the importance of turning “hard work” and “responsibility” into a habit.
Working hard takes many things, but specifically, it takes the following character traits/skills:
Once fostered, you can leverage them to support any new habit you want to change or create. Using this leverage, you will find that your success comes much more straightforward. All you have to do is discover the proper reward and trigger that encompasses a new routine.
Responsibility is another example of a keystone habit outlined by Charles Duhigg in his book, "The Power of Habit."
In my research, responsibility links to ownership and contradicts the internal desire to make excuses.
When you take responsibility, you tell yourself that there are no excuses, it is up to you, and you can accomplish whatever you are setting out to do.
The habits that will take you closest to your goals define your character and tie back to the type of person you want to become.
The next question I often get is:
Why Do I Fail?
So if you’d like to figure out how to answer that question check out this article:
3 Biggest Reasons You Fail Your Goals This Year…Prevent Failure!!
The process of habit change and fostering successful habits becomes tricky as you try to identify precisely how to overcome the obstacles you will face. In my next blog post, I'll go deeper into building these essential character habits. If you want more individualized attention, schedule a FREE strategy session with me by clicking here. I am also open to meeting in person upon request for those located in the Grand Rapids, Michigan area.
Finally, if this content was helpful, share it with someone you know it could benefit from or with your network. Thanks, we will talk soon!