3 Reason priorities matter and how a coach can help you maintain focus
Why do your priorities matter?
What do your priorities have to do with your overall success?
How does a personal development coach help you with your priorities?
These are all fundamental questions that I get when helping people work towards any level of success.
First, what are priorities?
Priorities are the things that you spend your time, energy, and attention on.
These things are not always conscious decisions but instead unconscious choices that are rooted in your values and beliefs.
Here are some examples of your unconscious priorities:
Watching television
Playing games
social media
easy tasks
Priorities matter because:
1. Your priorities are a direct reflection of your mindset.
Your mind will work on autopilot until you decide to take over the controls. If you are not planning out your most important tasks, then your subconscious will do it for you, which is fine if you have conditioned yourself to work towards your most important tasks automatically.
Most people haven't because that level of conditioning takes mindset mastery, and if you're struggling with your priorities, then you can safely assume you have not mastered your mind at this stage of your development.
2. Priorities demonstrate character.
Have you ever admired someone for the way they show up or the way they carry themselves? Society admires confidence, discipline, and success. Gaining clarity on your priorities also helps you obtain a structure that will result in all these character traits. You cannot be an effective planner or time manager without discipline. It's impossible to say no to time wasters or activities that do not align with your critical priorities without courage and confidence.
Then if you master these disciplines, you will become a success, and people will notice.
3. Priorities determine your long-term status and position.
Remember that time you found a hobby that you loved?
What did you do when you found it?
Did you devote your time to doing it? Learning about it? Mastering it?
Did you begin to find people that were good at it too?
I bet you went to Youtube and searched for people that were good at this hobby because you wanted to see what they were doing to make themselves good at it!
Did you feel like you lost track of time while working on the hobby?
Before you knew it, you were better than most people you knew at that hobby.
When you have your priorities locked in, and you plan to spend consistent time working towards the most important things, you will also experience a similar phenomenon as with that hobby you do for fun.
If you prioritize your financial well-being and learn to enjoy seeing financial growth, then you'll have it.
If you prioritize being a successful business person, then you will see your organization grow.
If you prioritize becoming a great leader, then people will begin to follow you.
At this point, you may think, "Hell yes! I can do this! I can create a plan and focus on what is truly important to me." You would be right!
In my experience as a coach in Grand Rapids, Michigan, I have discovered that everyone can focus, prioritize, and grow, but 1000s of things hold them back.
For example:
Fear of judgment
Fear of failure
Fear of success
Letting others down
The expectations of your friends/family
Other things need your attention
You have kids
You have pets
You don't have money
You don't have time
So, how then do you overcome all of these things and get what matters done?
I've discovered two ways.
1) The pain of not doing what matters is greater than doing what matters.
2) You get someone in your corner to coach you.
The first option is often circumstantial, illustrated in the 'rags to riches stories or in circumstances of great tragedy or difficulty.
These are my favorite stories because they truly exemplify what humans are capable of.
But in the absence of great suffering, people need other people to help them.
I became a Coach to help the latter, those that have not been fortunately unfortunate to have lived a life of suffering.
As a life coach or a personal and professional development coach, as I prefer to be called, I help people take the time to understand what matters to them.
I accomplish this by determining the things that bring joy and passion and uncovering a deep purpose.
Once these are understood, I help set smart goals aligned with the things that matter.
I help people establish the priorities that count.
Once uncovered, I then hold them accountable to a plan that, together, we create.
This plan could involve any number of tasks ranging from sticking to the plan and time management effectiveness to character building. Everyone is different in terms of what they need.
One of the big ah-ha moments for me as a coach is how much people crave accountability.
The big surprise that shouldn't be a surprise is how most people don't truly understand how accountability works and how to use it to produce growth instead of setbacks and limiting beliefs.
If you are the type of person that would like to experience the benefits of having clear, aligned, success-producing priorities, then I have two ways I can help you accomplish that!
1) Schedule a call with me to discuss what a coaching relationship could look like for you.
2) Register for my on-demand FREE course called '3-step success,' which outlines how to discover your purpose and passion, then align these aspects of yourself to motivating goals you DO have time to accomplish!